Hi Everyone,
It has come to our attention that certain individuals are representing themselves as members of The Mortgage Centre on the phone in attempts to gain access to personal information from unassuming clients. As clients are experiencing frustration with these calls, The Mortgage Centre is becoming tainted by this fraudulent telemarketing.
The Mortgage Centre is committed to the highest standards of integrity with our clients and would like to make sure that the risk of fraud is addressed in the service we offer. We would like you to be aware and ensure you remain vigilant and follow proper protocol and policy when engaging with consumers via phone, email and/or internet. These suspected criminals are using The Mortgage Centre’s brand recognition and good name to coerce information from unwilling consumers in an attempt to engage in illegal activity. We want to assure you these individuals do not represent The Mortgage Centre and are not members of our network. Should you come across a situation where a client has advised you this has happened please notify us at Head Office immediately and have the consumer notify the proper authorities.
It is unfortunate that a small percentage of the population in today’s society will prey upon unsuspecting victims for their own personal gain, however if we conduct ourselves accordingly we can minimize the potential future damage these individuals can cause.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us:
Ryan Sadler, RVP Eastern Canada
Local Phone: 416-865-9750 ext. 208
Toll Free Phone: 1-800-201-1258
MCC Operations
Toll Free Fax: 1-800-201-1258
Eddy Cocciollo, President
Local Phone: 416-865-9750 ext. 201
Toll Free Phone: 1-800-201-1258